Lost Ark Wiki
Lost Ark Wiki
The seven previous Sidereals. Front left to right: Azena/Inanna, King Luteran, Wei. Middle left to right: Kadan, Shandi. Back left to right: Ninaveh, Vahantur.

The seven previous Sidereals. Front left to right: Azena/Inanna, King Luteran, Sien. Middle left to right: Kadan, Shandi. Back left to right: Nineveh, Vahantur.

The Sidereals are individuals that fight against the Fetranian Invasion. After the Second Invasion, the then Sidereals took it upon themselves to safeguard the fragments of the Ark used to drive out the Fetranian threat by hiding them across the world of Arkesia. Seven countries become home to one fragment of the Ark.

Former Sidereals

Original Sidereals. From left: Azena, Sien, Galatur, Luterra, Shandi, Nineveh, Kadan

The current known Sidereals are:

The original Sidereals are:
