Lost Ark Wiki
See also: Abyssal Dungeon, Abyss Raid, Epic Raid, Frontier System, Legion Raid.

Kazeros Raids are endgame PvE content in Lost Ark.

Gameplay[ | ]

  • There are two teams of 4 players each.
  • Each gate has its own rewards and chest and can be completed independently with a different group, though a player cannot enter a gate until all previous gates are completed.
    • Chests can be claimed, until the next weekly reset, outside of the Kazeros Raid in the respective UI.
  • Kazeros Raids do not have a maximum item level for gold and count towards the 3-gold-earning end-game content (shared with Abyssal Dungeons, Epic Raids, and Legion Raids).

Allied Forces Skill[ | ]

  • The Allied Forces Skill gauge can be filled by satisfying certain conditions during boss battles. Once the gauge is filled, you can select one of the available Allied Forces to receive help.
  • Allied Forces skill can only be used by the raid leader. The default shortcut is Ctrl+Z, Ctrl+X, or Ctrl+C for Skill 1, 2, or 3 respectively.

Raid Gate Sidereal Effect
Echidna Gate 1 Azena -
Elemental Summon
  • 3-bar gauge cast: Azena summons Undart and Sylperion. The summoned spirits unleash powerful unified attacks to foes in front.
  • 1-bar gauge recast: Azena draws in cold energy from neaby to create a powerful frost storm that freeze foes on hit.
Avele -
Moonlight Dance
  • 3-bar gauge cast: Avele moves quickly while attacking with a blade, inflicting damage to foes. Deals greater damage to foe's shield.
  • 1-bar gauge recast: Fire arrows to foes in front, inflict damage in a very wide range. Deals greater damage to foe's shield.
Thar -
Powerful Barrage
  • 3-bar gauge cast: Thar fies a barrage at foes in front, dealing powerful stagger damage with each barrage.
  • 1-bar gauge recast: Thar lets out a roar that inflicts damage to surrounding foes and taunts them. Raid members within 16 meters become Push immune, and all damage received from foes drastically decrease.
Gate 2 Azena -
Elemental Summon
  • 3-bar gauge cast: Azena summons Undart and Sylperion. The summoned spirits unleash powerful unified attacks to foes in front.
  • 1-bar gauge recast: Azena draws in cold energy from neaby to create a powerful frost storm that freeze foes on hit.
Ephernia -
Judgment's Flame
  • 3-bar gauge cast: Ephernia gathers the energy of fire, creating an explosion nearby to deal damage.
  • 1-bar gauge recast: The energy of flames spread from Ephernia, granting beneficial effects to raid members in the same battle space.
Thar -
Powerful Barrage
  • 3-bar gauge cast: Thar fies a barrage at foes in front, dealing powerful stagger damage with each barrage.
  • 1-bar gauge recast: Thar lets out a roar that inflicts damage to surrounding foes and taunts them. Raid members within 16 meters become Push immune, and all damage received from foes drastically decrease.

Raid Gate Sidereal Effect
Aegir Gate 1 Wei -
Summon Dochul
  • 3-bar gauge cast: Summons Dochul to perform a powerful chain attack.
  • 1-bar gauge recast: Combines energy with Dochul to fire an energy orb, causing a large explosion and dealing damage.
Bastian -
Laser Bombardment
  • 3-bar gauge cast: Bastian requests a bombardment of laser attacks. After the bombardment, Bastian falls to the ground with force, dealing damage.
  • 1-bar gauge recast: Bastian slams the ground, dealing damage to foes and granting allies a shield that blocks damage.
Thar -
Powerful Barrage
  • 3-bar gauge cast: Thar fies a barrage at foes in front, dealing powerful stagger damage with each barrage.
  • 1-bar gauge recast: Thar lets out a roar that inflicts damage to surrounding foes and taunts them. Raid members within 16 meters become Push immune, and all damage received from foes drastically decrease.
Gate 2 Wei -
Summon Dochul
  • 3-bar gauge cast: Summons Dochul to perform a powerful chain attack.
  • 1-bar gauge recast: Combines energy with Dochul to fire an energy orb, causing a large explosion and dealing damage.
Ealyn -
Magick Circle
  • 3-bar gauge cast: Ealyn creates a Magick Circle that protects allies.
  • 1-bar gauge recast: Ealyn explodes a Magick Circle, dealing damage to foes.
Avele -
Moonlight Dance
  • 3-bar gauge cast: Avele moves quickly while attacking with a blade, inflicting damage to foes. Deals greater damage to foe's shield.
  • 1-bar gauge recast: Draws a massive greatsword using holy energy, inflicting damage in a straight line and causing an aftershock for additional damage.

Raid Gate Sidereal Effect
Brelshaza Gate 1 Jederico -
  • 3-bar gauge cast: Jederico opens a space to summon a beam of light that shoots directly forward to attack the foe ahead. Jederico's beam of light has a powerful Weak Point ability.
  • 1-bar gauge recast: Jederico summons a powerful lightning filled with God's Acrimony, incinerating the area in front of him. Jederico's lightning has a powerful Weak Point ability and deals even greater damage to shields.
Azena -
Elemental Summon
  • 3-bar gauge cast: Azena summons Undart and Sylperion. The summoned spirits unleash powerful unified attacks to foes in front.
  • 1-bar gauge recast: Azena uses magick to summon a spear from the beginning of creation to attack all foes in a single area. Azena alternates fire, water, and earth attributes to deal great damage to the boss, and for other foes, summons random-attribute spears to deal damage.
Ephernia -
Judgment's Flame
  • 3-bar gauge cast: Ephernia gathers the energy of fire, creating an explosion nearby to deal damage and slightly increase body temperature.
  • 1-bar gauge recast: The energy of flames spread from Ephernia, granting beneficial effects to raid members in the same battle space and slightly increasing body temperature.
Gate 2 Gustaven -
Holy Protection
  • 3-bar gauge cast: Gustaven opens a space and appears, removing harmful effects on allies, HP Regen, Push Immunity, and a shield.
  • 1-bar gauge recast: Gustaven summons a blinding light that shines down on foes, dealing damage and then exploding to inflict additional heavy damage.
Nineveh -
Divine Punishment Perkunas
  • 3-bar gauge cast: Nineveh feeds arrow to Perkunas to precisely attack your foe's weak spots and inflict powerful damage.
  • 1-bar gauge recast: Nineveh summons Albion to launch a joint attack.
Azena -
Elemental Summon
  • 3-bar gauge cast: Azena summons Undart and Sylperion. The summoned spirits unleash powerful unified attacks to foes in front.
  • 1-bar gauge recast: Azena uses magick to summon a spear from the beginning of creation to attack all foes in a single area. Azena alternates fire, water, and earth attributes to deal great damage to the boss, and for other foes, summons random-attribute spears to deal damage.

Rewards[ | ]

  • Gold from Solo raids is Bound Gold icon Bound Gold
Raid Difficulty Min ilvl Gate Gold reward Chest cost
(Overture: Spiral of the Crimson Midnight Sun)
Solo 1620 Gate 1 4800 Bound Gold icon 1450 Gold icon
Gate 2 8000 Bound Gold icon 2400 Gold icon
All gates 12800 Bound Gold icon 3850 Gold icon
Normal 1620 Gate 1 6000 Gold icon 2200 Gold icon
Gate 2 10000 Gold icon 3400 Gold icon
All gates 16000 Gold icon 5600 Gold icon
Hard 1630 Gate 1 7000 Gold icon 2800 Gold icon
Gate 2 12500 Gold icon 4100 Gold icon
All gates 19500 Gold icon 6900 Gold icon
(Act 1: Earth-Shattering Hellfire)
Normal 1660 Gate 1 7500 Gold icon 3200 Gold icon
Gate 2 16500 Gold icon 5300 Gold icon
All gates 24000 Gold icon 8500 Gold icon
Hard 1680 Gate 1 10000 Gold icon 4100 Gold icon
Gate 2 20000 Gold icon 6600 Gold icon
All gates 30000 Gold icon 10700 Gold icon
(Act 2: Requiem of the Floating Nightmare)
Normal 1670 Gate 1 9000 Gold icon 3800 Gold icon
Gate 2 18500 Gold icon 5600 Gold icon
All gates 27500 Gold icon 9400 Gold icon
Hard 1690 Gate 1 11000 Gold icon 4500 Gold icon
Gate 2 23000 Gold icon 7200 Gold icon
All gates 34000 Gold icon 11700 Gold icon

Patch History[ | ]

Frosty Fate
  • Brelshaza added, 2 gates.
    • Normal: 1670.
    • Hard: 1690.
  • Act 1 - Aegir
    • Normal gold reward increased from 7500 / 15500 (total: 23000) to 7500 / 16500 (total: 24000).
    • Hard gold reward increased from 9000 / 18500 (total: 27500) to 10000 / 20000 (total: 30000).
  • Act 2 - Brelshaza
    • Normal gold reward increased from 8500 / 16500 (total: 25000) to 9000 / 18500 (total: 27500).
    • Hard gold reward increased from 10000 / 20500 (total: 30500) to 11000 / 23000 (total: 34000).
Winter Soloist
  • Solo Echidna added.
Aegir's Arrival
  • Aegir added, 2 gates.
    • Normal: 1660.
    • Hard: 1680.
Arkesia Ignited
  • Echidna gold reward changed:
    • Normal gold reward increased from 5000 / 9500 (total: 14500) to 6000 / 10000 (total: 16000).
    • Hard gold reward increased from 6000 / 12500 (total: 18500) to 7000 / 12500 (total: 19500).
August 28 Weekly Update 2024
  • Echidna Normal and Hard mechanics nerfs.
Summer Heat
  • Echidna added, 2 gates.
    • Normal: 1620.
    • Hard: 1630.